[ZOO-Discuss] [Zoo-discuss] ZooProject geographic library

Gérald Fenoy gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
Sun Nov 15 01:25:59 PST 2009

Hi ZOO Tribe Members,
Guillaume Sueur asked us in private Skype discussion to implement a  
ZOO ServiceProvider CGAL based to give him the possibility to produce  
the Voronoi Triangulation from a datasource. He made his data  
available using the WFS standard and we've develop a small ZOO  
ServiceProvider CGAL Based to calculate the Voronoi Triangulation on  
his data.

Unfortunately, the WFS datasource which should be used by the ZOO  
Kernel wasn't well encoded, so we can't use the full dataset  
provided.  Guillaume, can you please make it cleaner ? Nevertheless,  
the ServiceProvider is now available on the demo1 server using the  
following url :

  * GML output :
  * GeoJSON output :

So as you can see reading those urls, the default output is a GeoJSON  

Let me now give some response to the mails which I answered :)

To the question "Why not CGAL ?" I answer Why not :) Indeed ZOO Kernel  
is able to dynamically load all kind of ZOO ServiceProviders (shared  
object : Shared library for C ServiceProvider, Python Module for  
Python one and PHP Scripts for PHP SP).

René-Luc you're right, the ZOO idea is well to build it's own  
processes with the chosen libraries.

We have to investigate to support GGL but I'm sure that it could be  
available pretty soon.

If other members can share their thoughts about what ZOO  
ServiceProvider have to be implemented, please let us know and you  
should get your ZOO ServiceProvider in less than a day ... We are  
waiting for you :) !

Kind regards,

Le 24 oct. 2009 à 14:37, rldhont a écrit :

> Why not CGAL ?
> The idea of the Zoo it's not to build it's own process with it's  
> choosed
> libraries ?
> Guillaume Sueur a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> I was wondering if GGL (http://trac.osgeo.org/ggl/) could be used  
>> in Zoo
>> Project to achieve geometric computations (intersections,  
>> buffers...) It
>> seems pretty fast (http://trac.osgeo.org/ggl/wiki/Performance),  
>> notabily
>> faster than geos.
>> Best regards, and all the best to Japan visitors
>> Guillaume
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Just a ZOO Monkey
gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr

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