[Zoo-discuss] About FOSS4G 2009 and ZOO Project

Venkatesh Raghavan raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
Wed Oct 28 06:52:11 PDT 2009

Hi Markus and all,

I have just subscribed Markus, Soeren Gebbert
and Song to the ZOO-discuss list. The ZOO
project page (http://www.zoo-project.org/)
also been updated today.

There may be an opportunity for master and
doctoral fellowship at Osaka City for topics
related to implementing image processing
services using GRASS and/or ORFEO-Toolbox.

If any of you can reccomend some students who
would be interested in the topic and take up
studies in Japan, please contact me off the
list at raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp

Markus's off-list mail is quited below.

Best regards


Markus Neteler wrote:
> Dear Venka, all,
> On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 02:52, Venkatesh Raghavan
> <raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp> wrote:
>> Dear Markus, Maxi and Song,
>> Back in Japan from a fantastic days at FOSS4G.
> I am happy to hear that it was a great time there!
>> We presented about the new ZOO project
>> (www.zoo-project.org). Song-san has
>> started working on implementing R Services
>> for the ZOO kernel. Also, we hope to
>> implement GRASS WPS services too.
> Yes, it looks very interesting and a GRASS WPS service
> provider would be great. We are discussing here
> some ideas for that how to implement (if possible)
> WPS XML output directly in the GRASS parser. We'll
> see if anything results from that. Soeren Gebbert
> (in the GRASS team; from Berlin) is very interested
> to enhance GRASS.
>> The ideas is to develop a developer guide
>> including many examples of R, GRASS, GDAL/OGR,
>> ORFEO and Open Office WPS with in the ZOO
>> platform and also build "model repository"
>> on ZOO OWS Platform. Would be great if we
>> can find some help in implementing simple
>> GRASS WPS services in ZOO
> I am happy to help as much as I can.
>> Unlike PyWPS, ZOO provides a multi-language
>> (C, Python, PHP etc.). Legacy Fortran code
>> can also be integrated into ZOO to enable
>> WPS for environmental models. Example of
>> Fortran model Drift-X was also presented
>> at FOSS4G 2009.
> Multi-language will stimulate quick adoption of
> a project. Again, if we could help to bring WPS
> closer into the core of GRASS, I am all for it.
>> Presently we have a closed ML and I can subscribe
>> Markus, Maxi, Song to it. Hope some others
>> working in GRASS WPS could also join.
> I would be interested to join the list with this address:
> <markus.neteler at iasma.it>.
>> Markus, perhaps you could suggest someone for
>> the GRASS WPS part.
> Yes:
> Soeren Gebbert <soerengebbert at googlemail.com>
> He is a very good programmer.
>> Perhaps we could talk to Jachym too.
> Agreed - since he has several years of WPS experience.
>> Next ZOO tribe meeting
>> is scheduled for mid-nov 2009 in Montpellier.
>> Perhaps some of the GRASS folks could join
>> in person or by skype.
> In Skype for sure! Please let me know details,
> best regards
> Markus

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