[Zoo-discuss] [zoo-project] #11: Rpy installed

zoo-project zoo-dev at cartography.st
Thu Oct 29 20:04:39 PDT 2009

#11: Rpy installed
 Reporter:  djay                  |       Owner:     
     Type:  defect                |      Status:  new
 Priority:  major                 |   Milestone:     
Component:  Development platform  |     Version:     
 Keywords:                        |  
 The Python interface to the R Programming Language was installed this

 Song, please confirm that it works for you (I've just tried importng the
 rpy module and didn't get any error message).

 Hope to hear from you soon.


Ticket URL: <http://trac.zoo-project.org/zoo/ticket/11>
zoo-project <http://trac.zoo-project.org/>
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