[Zoo-discuss] About FOSS4G 2009 and ZOO Project

Markus Neteler markus.neteler at iasma.it
Wed Oct 28 06:12:59 PDT 2009

Dear Venka, all,

On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 02:52, Venkatesh Raghavan
<raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp> wrote:
> Dear Markus, Maxi and Song,
> Back in Japan from a fantastic days at FOSS4G.

I am happy to hear that it was a great time there!

> We presented about the new ZOO project
> (www.zoo-project.org). Song-san has
> started working on implementing R Services
> for the ZOO kernel. Also, we hope to
> implement GRASS WPS services too.

Yes, it looks very interesting and a GRASS WPS service
provider would be great. We are discussing here
some ideas for that how to implement (if possible)
WPS XML output directly in the GRASS parser. We'll
see if anything results from that. Soeren Gebbert
(in the GRASS team; from Berlin) is very interested
to enhance GRASS.

> The ideas is to develop a developer guide
> including many examples of R, GRASS, GDAL/OGR,
> ORFEO and Open Office WPS with in the ZOO
> platform and also build "model repository"
> on ZOO OWS Platform. Would be great if we
> can find some help in implementing simple
> GRASS WPS services in ZOO

I am happy to help as much as I can.

> Unlike PyWPS, ZOO provides a multi-language
> (C, Python, PHP etc.). Legacy Fortran code
> can also be integrated into ZOO to enable
> WPS for environmental models. Example of
> Fortran model Drift-X was also presented
> at FOSS4G 2009.

Multi-language will stimulate quick adoption of
a project. Again, if we could help to bring WPS
closer into the core of GRASS, I am all for it.

> Presently we have a closed ML and I can subscribe
> Markus, Maxi, Song to it. Hope some others
> working in GRASS WPS could also join.

I would be interested to join the list with this address:
<markus.neteler at iasma.it>.

> Markus, perhaps you could suggest someone for
> the GRASS WPS part.

Soeren Gebbert <soerengebbert at googlemail.com>

He is a very good programmer.

> Perhaps we could talk to Jachym too.

Agreed - since he has several years of WPS experience.

> Next ZOO tribe meeting
> is scheduled for mid-nov 2009 in Montpellier.
> Perhaps some of the GRASS folks could join
> in person or by skype.

In Skype for sure! Please let me know details,

best regards

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