[Zoo-discuss] About ZOO-Project

Venkatesh Raghavan raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
Fri Oct 30 01:15:19 PDT 2009

After the ZOO presentation at FOSS4G-2009,
Jody Garret (who was chairing the session)
suggested ti take a look at YAWL for
service chaining.

YAWL is supposed to be a workflow engine.

Anybody suggest to start looking into YAWL?
Gerald says that ZOO Kernel already supports
service chaining. I am not sure I have entirely
understood what Gerald has to say about Service
Chaining in ZOO.


Venkatesh Raghavan wrote:
> Hi Jachym,
> Jachym Cepicky wrote:
> ...
>> I'm affraid, I would not be able to come to Montpellier :-)
>> You can add me to the mailing list, if you think, it will be useful, but
>> currently, I would not expect much input from mine side. 
> I have subscribed you to the ML.
> Sharing your experience from time
> to time about PyWPS would be a great
> input for the ZOO Project.
> Thanks
> Venka

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