[ZOO-Discuss] About Orfeo Developer in Singapore

Venkatesh Raghavan raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
Wed Feb 3 01:01:02 PST 2010

Nice to hear from you Emmanuel,

Itegrating OTB in ZOO is a great idea
and your work with QGIS sounds exiting.

We can discuss about OTB ZOO integration
on the ZOO-Discuss list. It is a closed
list for the moment> I can subscribe you
if you are not subscribed already.

Also, I would like to know more about OTB
plugin for QGIS. Hope we have a chance to
meet-up again somewhere.



Emmanuel Christophe wrote:
> Hi Venka!
> Sorry for the late reply, but January has been a busy month.
> Unfortunately, I couldn't arrange a trip to Hanoi this week. However,
> I'm still interested by the question of integrating OTB with ZOO. Let
> me know if you plan to have some online discussions.
> We have made some progress with OTB since Foss4g with python and java
> bindings as well as a selection of qgis plugins.
> Emmanuel

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