[ZOO-Discuss] ZOO OnGoing Project : The Laurent Jégou Blog story

René-Luc D'Hont rldhont at gmail.com
Sat Jan 9 01:15:44 PST 2010

Hi All,

This story is a very good point to demonstrate the ZOO capabilities!

Could we publish the ZOO OGR demo ?

René-Luc D'Hont

Le 09/01/2010 02:28, Gérald Fenoy a écrit :
> Hi ZOO Tribe member,
> I have a story to share with you.
> -----------------------------------------
> Today, in the cold of France, *somebody* called me on phone and tell 
> me that Lourent Jégou wrote an article on his blog [1] about using R 
> with pyWPS.
> Laurent also mentioned that he did this choice, using pyWPS, cause ZOO 
> Kernel is still unavailable (I use ZOO Kernel here, even if he spoke 
> about "Zoo", in fact he means ZOO Kernel here). Oups, sorry for this 
> point.
> So, *somebody* send me the link [2], unfortunately I wasn't in front 
> of my computer so unable to read anything :). I asked him if the 
> python code quoted in the article was available or not. As, he 
> answered me it was, I told him that I call him back to tell him when 
> the process was modified to be used from the ZOO Kernel.
> So I gone back on my computer and check this web page, fethcing the 
> python code then copying the logic only included in the python file 
> from the article  (no metadata, as metadata and logic is separated in 
> ZOO Kernel).
> Here "the logic code" I talk about was pointed in the full 
> ServiceProvider, providing only one service called discretise :
> import rpy2.robjects as robjects
> import sys
> def discretise(main,inputs,outputs):
>        # the following lines are need only because of
>        # strange issue specific to R displaying msg :
>        # Loading required package: class
>        try:
>                sys.stdout.close()
>        except:
>                pass
>        # The logic code
>        robjects.r('library(e1071)')
>        robjects.r('library(classInt)')
>        robjects.r('library(XML)')
>        robjects.r('data(jenks71)')
>        robjects.r('doc = xmlRoot(xmlTreeParse("%s"))' % 
> inputs['donnees']['value'])
>        xsa = robjects.r.xmlSApply
>        jenksData = robjects.r('xmlSApply(doc, function(x) 
> as.numeric(xmlSApply(x, xmlValue)))')
>        ci = robjects.r.classIntervals
>        tmp=int(inputs['nbClasses']['value'])
>        out = str(ci(jenksData, n = tmp, style = 
> inputs['methode']['value']))
>        outputs["Result"]={"value": out,"dataType":"string"}
>        return 3
> Then I copied the hellof.zcfg metadata file (the ZOO Configuration 
> File for the sample Fortran ServiceProvider) into a new one called 
> discretise.zcfg. I tested ... it and it works :)
> In fact it shuldn't work but I know that ZOO Kernel is really 
> permissive when passing arguments to ServiceProvider function.... This 
> explains why the hellof.zcfg file was enough to run the process... 
> Nevertheless, in some sens, that let devs make their tests on their 
> new service provider before putting them publicly available all over 
> the web..
> So I correct a bit the ZOO Configuration file to get a realistic 
> DescribeProcess.
> Finally, few minutes was requested to turn a simple pyWPS service into 
> a service from a ServiceProvider Python Based to be run from the ZOO 
> Kernel. I called back *somebody* :)
> I know it's not such an interesting example, but it let me think that 
> the ZOO Kernel is a good tool to easily use an already existing code 
> as a WPS service, even if it was not (a service) at the begining. 
> Please, correct me if I'm wrong.
> So, even if here we duplicated a WPS service to create a new one, 
> comparison between two solutions can be easily made for everyone 
> reading this story. It contains also a view about what have to be done 
> to integrate your own  (Python here) code as a ServiceProvider 
> providing WPS services through ZOO Kernel.
> Separation between metadata and services as a staring point, 
> multi-language support in an embedded way to take control over service 
> to provide.
> Parameters storeExecuteResponse was supported since the begining of 
> ZOO Kernel development (cf. hello worlds from various embedded 
> languages [3], [4] and [5]). It let users decide if they want to store 
> the ExecuteResponse (on the current demonstration server we remove 
> files quickly) to let him fetch/poll the statusLocation provided in 
> the execute answer from its client application to show status of 
> execution and be informed when the process was ended. It can be useful 
> for applcication using a cache or something.
> -----------------------------------------
> [1] http://www.geotests.net/blog/
> [2] 
> http://www.geotests.net/blog/article/mise-en-place-d-un-webservice-de-discretisation-en-utilisant-pywps-et-r
> [3] 
> http://demo.zoo-project.org/zoo/?request=Execute&service=WPS&version=1.0.0&Identifier=hellof&DataInputs=S=Your%20Name%20Here@datatype=string&storeExecuteResponse=true 
> <http://demo.zoo-project.org/zoo/?request=Execute&service=WPS&version=1.0.0&Identifier=hellof&DataInputs=S=Your%20Name%20Here@datatype=string&storeExecuteResponse=true>
> [4] 
> http://demo.zoo-project.org/zoo/?request=Execute&service=WPS&version=1.0.0&Identifier=HelloWorldJava&DataInputs=S=Your%20Name%20Here@datatype=string&storeExecuteResponse=true 
> <http://demo.zoo-project.org/zoo/?request=Execute&service=WPS&version=1.0.0&Identifier=HelloWorldJava&DataInputs=S=Your%20Name%20Here@datatype=string&storeExecuteResponse=true>
> [5] 
> http://demo.zoo-project.org/zoo/?request=Execute&service=WPS&version=1.0.0&Identifier=HelloPHP&DataInputs=S=Your%20Name%20Here@datatype=string&storeExecuteResponse=true 
> <http://demo.zoo-project.org/zoo/?request=Execute&service=WPS&version=1.0.0&Identifier=HelloPHP&DataInputs=S=Your%20Name%20Here@datatype=string&storeExecuteResponse=true>
> -----------------------------------------
> *somebody* was abviously Nick !
> Hope to hear from you ZOO Tribe members,
> Djay
> Just a ZOO Monkey
> gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr <mailto:gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr>
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