[ZOO-Discuss] Multiple supported mime type defintions

Soeren Gebbert soerengebbert at googlemail.com
Tue Nov 16 04:13:10 PST 2010

does anybody know how to specify multiple <supported> formats in a .zcfg file?

I have a lot GRASS GIS processes which support many input and output
data formats.

I thought defining multiple "supported" tags will solve this, but the
generated XML process description has only one format listed?

Any help is appreciated.

This is a part of my .zcfg file:

  Title = Data source for OGR access
  Abstract =
  minOccurs = 1
  maxOccurs = 1
      mimeType = text/xml
      encoding = UTF-8
      schema = http://schemas.opengis.net/gml/2.1.2/feature.xsd
      mimeType = text/xml
      encoding = UTF-8
      schema = http://schemas.opengis.net/gml/2.1.2/feature.xsd
      mimeType = text/xml
      encoding = UTF-8
      schema = http://schemas.opengis.net/kml/2.2.0/ogckml22.xsd
      mimeType = application/dgn
      mimeType = application/shp
      mimeType = application/x-zipped-shp

Best regards

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