[ZOO-Discuss] some problems with the zoo-services examples

Marco Negretti marco.negretti at polimi.it
Fri Oct 29 07:43:24 PDT 2010

Il 23/10/2010 17:20, Gérald Fenoy ha scritto:
> Hi Marco,
> thanks a lot for your feedbacks.

>> === ogr/base-vect-ops ===

> First, you get the json string stored as an external file because the
> zcfg Result contains the asReference attribue set to true, you can set
> it to false to use the default behavior.
> You can get the gml polygon stored as file simply by adding mimeType
> attribute to the ResponseDocument parameter and setting it to text/xml.
> So, you can something like : ResponseDocument=Result at mimeType=text/xml .
> You can even specify if you want base64 encoded string, using encoding
> attribute : ResponseDocument=Result at mimeType=text/xml at encoding=base64.

Thank you Gérald,
now I have my gml file!

But... I have some questions... again!

The file that the service produces has always the same extension: .js 
both if I ask for a gml file and if I ask for a json string:

<wps:Reference href="http://localhost//tmp/Buffer_128419.js" 
mimeType="text/plain" encoding="UTF-8"/>
<wps:Reference href="http://localhost//tmp/Buffer_128538.js" 
mimeType="text/xml" encoding="UTF-8" 

To fix the file extension I have to specify in the request: extension=gml
responsedocument=Result at mimeType=text/xml at asReference=true at extension=gml

In this way I obtain as response:
<wps:Reference href="http://localhost//tmp/Buffer_123298.gml" 
mimeType="text/xml" encoding="UTF-8" 

Is it ok?

I have used also the Boundary service. It works, but when I ask for the 
gml format in output, the mimeType document that I obtain is text/plain, 
not  text/xml as for the Buffer service:

<wps:Reference href="http://localhost//tmp/Boundary_129100.js" 
mimeType="text/plain" encoding="UTF-8"/>

It's right if I replace, in service.c:

(row 220)

And finally... in the GetArea service there is the possibility to choose 
to obtain the result in different units of measure:

(this is an extract of describe process response)

If I add in the execute request:
responsedocument=Area at UOM=meter

I get:
<wps:LiteralData UOM="meter" DataType="float">1592705132</wps:LiteralData>

that is the same that I obtain without anything:
<wps:LiteralData DataType="float" uom="degree">1592705132</wps:LiteralData>

I don't understand exactly the sense of this option.
I've checked the code and the GetArea function doesn't consider this 
parameter in the calculation process.

Thank you again!



Marco Negretti
Politecnico di Milano - Polo Regionale di Como
email:  marco.negretti at polimi.it


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