[ZOO-Discuss] Welcome new ZOO-Project developer : Angelos Tzotsos

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Tue Apr 12 16:54:32 PDT 2011

Hi all,

I am very happy to be onboard :)
Thank you for the welcome.

Best regards,

On 04/12/2011 04:11 PM, Gérald Fenoy wrote:
> Dear Tribe,
> please welcome Angelos Tzotsos which become a new ZOO-Project 
> developer. He previously worked on making OpenSuSE packaging for 
> ZOO-Kernel and publish documentation about it. I think he can of great 
> help for testing ZOO-Kernel and probably publishing patches.
> You'll here a short bio of Angelos to know a bit more about him.
> He was born in Ioannina, Greece in 1980. He received his diploma in 
> Rural and Surveying Engineering from the National Technical University 
> of Athens, Greece in 2005. Since then he is a PhD Candidate in Remote 
> Sensing Laboratory, NTUA, where he is also working as a researcher and 
> teaching assistant in undergraduate and postgraduate classes. His PhD 
> title is "Investigation of image segmentation, machine learning and 
> expert systems techniques in remote sensing". He has been involved in 
> 5 research projects and he has been author of 20 scientific papers. 
> His main area of expertise is remote sensing, object-based image 
> analysis, machine learning, expert systems, computer vision, 
> artificial intelligence and software engineering. He has more than 5 
> years of experience as a software engineer with applications involving 
> remote sensing, GIS, computer vision, digital image processing, 
> knowledge-based expert systems, geospatial applications, databases, 
> web applications, OGC web services, INSPIRE and  geospatial metadata. 
> He is a member of numerous Free and Open Source communities including 
> FSF, OSGeo, openSUSE and FOSS-NTUA. He is the founder and maintainer 
> of 2 free software projects and a contributor for 3 other large scale 
> projects. He has 6 years of experience as a consultant and 
> sub-contractor for private companies in the fields of remote sensing 
> and software engineering.
> Welcome in the team Angelos !
> Best regards,
> djay
> ZOO-PSC Chair
> gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr <mailto:gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr>
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Angelos Tzotsos
Remote Sensing Laboratory
National Technical University of Athens

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