[ZOO-Discuss] ZOO-Project on OSGeoLiveDVD with GRASS7 support activated ?

Gérald Fenoy gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
Wed Feb 2 04:54:27 PST 2011

Hi ZOO-Tribe,
as I'm in charge of creating the package for OSGeoLiveDVD, since yesterday
I am wondering about the GRASS7 Support activation.

I think that it can be a real asset to get not only ZOO-Project on OSGeoLiveDVD 
but also all the GRASS 7 services installed with the ZOO-Project.

So first of all, I would like to know what other think about integrating GRASS7 
Services into OSGeoLiveDVD to let people use them.

Then, I would like to know if we can find any volunteer on this list to provide a
GRASS 7 setup and it services. This two steps can be split into two different tasks
one is providing grass7 package and another one relative to the services.

I get some idea about who can help here ;)

Hope to hear from you,

gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr

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