[ZOO-Discuss] What do you use Zoo Project for?

nicolas bozon nicolas.bozon at gmail.com
Thu Mar 17 07:45:05 PDT 2011

Hi Mickaël,

This is a good question i'll try to answer using my experience with the
ZOO-Project. Other users and developers from the ZOO Tribe may also explain
other ZOO use cases to you.

Generally speaking, ZOO helps a lot in many Web GIS projects as it connects
well with other OSGeo software (GDAL/OGR, MapServer, GRASS7...) and provides
advanced processing functionnalities that you can chain and orchestrate in
an easy way. It is also very usefull to use existing libs or home-made code
in a OGC compliant way.

Here are listed some of the ZOO use cases we implemented so far:
- Using gdal_translate and gdal_grid for raster processing from a Web GIS
interface or inside production chains
- Using OGR to add the WFS-T support to MapServer (i.e encapsulating
transactions inside WPS requests and updating any OGR data source)
- Using ogr2ogr to convert/reproject vector data online
- Using various vector and raster GRASS7 modules from a Web GIS clients and
from the QGIS WPS Client Plugin
- Using GoGPS software as a WPS service thanks to the ZOO-Kernel Java
- Using CGAL library to compute Voronoï on GeoJSON data source
- Using R library to compute discretization online
- Using Drift-X model (GIS-base atmosphreric dispersion model) from a Web
GIS thanks to the ZOO-Kernnel Fortran support
- Using QREncode library to generate QR Codes from a simple input text
- Using OpenOffice to convert and create .odt files from Web applications

I've probably forget some other experiments and implementations other users
and devoloper may have carried out.
I think the most important point is that ZOO-Kernel let you use several
programming languages so that you can use your imagination to run "any"
library to develop Web Services.

Hope that helps, please tell us if you go through new experiments or



2011/3/14 Mickael BEAUFILS <mickael.beaufils at acatus.fr>

> Dear Zoo users,
> Zoo Project seems to offer great opportunities to process data (geospatial
> or not), perhaps beyond by imagination (!?).
> I know that it is good at making coffee, however I am wondering what do you
> (zoo users) use Zoo Project for?
> As a first answer I found some slides about the GoGPS project (
> http://geomatica.como.polimi.it/presentazioni/Osaka_Summer_goGPS.pdf)
> But what about you?
> Mickaël Beaufils
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