[ZOO-Discuss] Java based Service: <ows:ExceptionText>can't find class ZooWrapper.class</ows:ExceptionText>

Matthias Lendholt matthias.lendholt at gfz-potsdam.de
Thu May 19 08:06:24 PDT 2011

Am 05.05.2011 16:47, schrieb Gérald Fenoy:
> Dear Matthias,
> many thanks for you feedbacks.
> The serviceProvider should mention the name of the class note the filename.
> So in your case I guess the class defined in the file is named ZooWrapper so
> you should set :
> serviceProvider = ZooWrapper
> Indeed, CLASSPATH can be set in the [env] section if needed. For instance,
> if you need to load/use specific jar files as you asked. So, you can
> specify the
> class name then use a specific CLASSPATH in the [env] section of your main
> configuration file (main.cfg). Until the class name is found in the
> it should work.

Hi again,
I tried it with adding
to the main.cfg. (I tried different locations of the jar.)

But zoo doesn't find any class. Neither one in the default package (root 
of jar) or in fully qualified package structure (sub folders).

Anyone any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

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