[ZOO-Discuss] Testing the Mac OS X installer

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Thu May 26 13:09:21 PDT 2011

Great thanks Gerald, I'll check that and will update the docs with these 


On 11-05-26 5:01 PM, Gérald Fenoy wrote:
> Dear Jeff,
> It's not a dumb question.
> The installer suppose that the target system is using the Apache 2 version spread with the MacOS version. As the message said that the installation was successfull it means it was probably. In this default Apache version, your Cgi-bin directory is here : /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables and document root is in /Library/WebServer/Documents. So first, you should check if the files are there (ZOO-Kernel and ZOO-Services in CGI-Executables and zoo-demo directory in the Documents one). If yes, then I'm pretty sure that everything will be right after copying the files in the correspondings one regarding your specific Apache setup.
> Nevertheless, no files was midified, the installer is only adding new files on your system. So you should not need any specific modifications in your apache setup.
> The MapServer installer from KingKaos get the same kind of behavior, suposing that the target Apache is the default one. I was thinking that it was the best to go. If anyone get a better idea (maybe adding Apache directory selection, but will imply using default setup for cgi-bin dir and so on, probably not that easy to use something else than the default apache we are sure that every mac users get on their computer). It can be even harder if we think that somes can use macports and some other can usr portage (the Gentoo one :) ).
> Hope this helps.
> Best regards,

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