[Zoo-discuss] Ubuntu with ZOO Virtual Image

Venkatesh Raghavan raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
Fri Sep 21 06:07:28 PDT 2012

Hi Deniel,

On 2012/09/21 21:12, Daniel Kastl wrote:
> You could just use OSGeo Live DVD:

I did just the same. In fact I used the OSGeo-Live VM at

The ZOO demos in OSGeo-Live worked with out any problem.

I had to install fastcgi, bison, flex and cgic devel packages required 
for compiling
the zoo-kernel.

Also, OSGeo-Live uses gdal-1.7.0 did a minor change on ZOO-kernel 
configure and make  to reflect the
updated gdal-1.9.0.

Downloaded  zoo-1.2.0 from 
and it compiled without any problem. Could compile the gdal raster 
services subsequently
(will test them soon).

I hope to install GRASS7 and work on more examples on ZOO raster 
processing and routing
examples. Subsequently, hope to make new virtual machine with added 
features (GRASS7 for
example) with the help of Markus, Frans and all of you.



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