[Zoo-discuss] Ubuntu with ZOO Virtual Image

Venkatesh Raghavan raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
Fri Sep 21 06:39:38 PDT 2012

Dear All.

n 2012/09/21 18:16, nicolas bozon wrote:
> There isn't really a tutorial for building a virtual image for Ubuntu.

We had some success on the above today and I will soon post our
experience on this list.

Look forward for upcoming support from all of you.


> However, the installation workflow is explained here:
> http://zoo-project.org/docs/kernel/install-debian.html
> If i remember well, the first image for Ubuntu was done by Luca, so i think
> he can probably help on that.
> Btw, a .deb would also be excellent.
> Best,
> Nick

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