[Zoo-discuss] ZOO-Project joining Code Sprint next week

nicolas bozon nicolas.bozon at gmail.com
Fri Mar 22 01:55:00 PDT 2013

Hi ZOO-Tribe, Hi Gérald,

I'll join the CS through irc sometime in the afternoons (french time).

I think it is a very good idea to gather ideas for CS and write them down
on the wiki.

First, i'm strongly +1 to tackle the OSGeo Incubation more deeply. We can
probably speak and get advices to go one step forward, from FrankW or other
OSGeo board and Incubation Committee members there.

I agree that priority should go to cleaning, packaging and documenting the
current trunk for the next release, i will however also give my ideas about
the ZOO-Services and ZOO-API parts:

- Some missing GDAL Service (gdaldem ?) could may be supported and added

- GRASS GIS 6.x  and 7 support without using GRASS WPS bridge was tested by
several users, and could be improved and documented. This would provide an
easier way to run GRASS modules from Python or Javascript ZOO Service.

- +1 for removing the SpiderMonkey engine as it finally appears to be a
wrong technical choice some years ago, and +1 for replacing it by the
faster yet open source V8 engine. This would be a major enhancement as our
JavaScript engine would change, but the  ZOO-API JavaScript code probably

My 2 cents



2013/3/21 Fenoy Gerald <gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr>

> Dear ZOO community,
> I'm please to announce that I will get the chance to go at the OSGeo
> Boston Code Sprint next week in Boston.
> During the sprint I would like to spend time focused on OSGeo Incubation
> process and amongst all the Code Provenance where I think owe may find many
> bottleneck as I think we are mixing together some Licence in some files
> (mainly in the ZOO-API) but I have to double check.
> Anyway, in the perspective of joining the OSGeo Code Sprint I would like
> to gather ideas from the community about what it is expected and what is
> the next big capability you would like to get added to the
> ZOO-Kernel/ZOO-Services/ZOO-API. So I invite to speak out loud about your
> ideas on ZOO-Project enhancements and share with us. One good example of
> such enhancement request is this one : [1] but feel free to use the mailing
> list to share your ideas.
> I've started to wrote up a short description for the plan for next week
> [2] that you are invited to update with the content you want and I will
> consider it next week.
> I also would like to invite people from the community to participate
> remotely or from the Boston Code Sprint by joining the IRC channel #
> zoo-project at irc.freenode.net . I hope to see you there.
> Waiting for your comments / ideas,
> Best regards,
> Gérald Fenoy
> ZOO-Project Developer
> [1] http://www.zoo-project.org/trac/ticket/75
> [2] http://www.zoo-project.org/trac/wiki/OSGeoCodeSprint2013
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