[Zoo-discuss] ZOO-Project joining Code Sprint next week

Venkatesh Raghavan raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
Fri Mar 22 07:44:22 PDT 2013

Hi All,

Thanks to Anne, Nick and Luca for initiating
this discussion and their suggestions.

I have created at ZOO_SoC_Ideas page [1]
Please feel free to add your ideas to it.




On 2013/03/22 18:26, Luca Delucchi wrote:
> 2013/3/21 Fenoy Gerald<gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr>:
>> Dear ZOO community,
> Dear Gerald and tribe
>> I'm please to announce that I will get the chance to go at the OSGeo Boston Code Sprint next week in Boston.
>> During the sprint I would like to spend time focused on OSGeo Incubation process and amongst all the Code Provenance where I think owe may find many bottleneck as I think we are mixing together some Licence in some files (mainly in the ZOO-API) but I have to double check.
>> Anyway, in the perspective of joining the OSGeo Code Sprint I would like to gather ideas from the community about what it is expected and what is the next big capability you would like to get added to the ZOO-Kernel/ZOO-Services/ZOO-API. So I invite to speak out loud about your ideas on ZOO-Project enhancements and share with us. One good example of such enhancement request is this one : [1] but feel free to use the mailing list to share your ideas.
> I'd really like to see an improvement in documentation, there are a
> lot of capabilities provide by ZOO that few people now, I could help
> you but only for few things. What I'd like to see is:
> - mapserver output (I could work on this topic)
> - internal proprieties like env, lenv, for example to use cookies for
> registered user (I cannot help you)
> - more about services (I can help you with Python) specially for
> chaining services with Javascript (I know really few things about it)
> - check again the installation procedures
> Someone else would like to join for improve the documentation?
>> I've started to wrote up a short description for the plan for next week [2] that you are invited to update with the content you want and I will consider it next week.
> done for documentation
>> I also would like to invite people from the community to participate remotely or from the Boston Code Sprint by joining the IRC channel #zoo-project at irc.freenode.net . I hope to see you there.
> yes I try to be there sometimes
>> Waiting for your comments / ideas,
>> Best regards,
>> Gérald Fenoy
>> ZOO-Project Developer
>> [1] http://www.zoo-project.org/trac/ticket/75
>> [2] http://www.zoo-project.org/trac/wiki/OSGeoCodeSprint2013
> PS
> Do you try to compile ZOO against MapServer 6.2? When I was in Japan I
> had some trouble...

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