[Zoo-discuss] Execution time of a raster echo service

Fenoy Gerald gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
Sat Nov 28 08:50:45 PST 2015

Dear Adrien, 
prior to look at your source code I would like to first ask few questions.

Are you sure you are really calculating the processing time or do you include also the time requested to send/access your raster data over the network ?

Are you sending the raster file embedded into the XML request or using an xlink:ref, or using a WCS request (if this last option then, is it POST or GET) ? 

Best regards,

> Le 28 nov. 2015 à 16:39, Adrien ANDRÉ <adr.andre at laposte.net> a écrit :
> Dear list,
> i wrote a simple raster echo Python service (see attached files) which i was testing with a 4x4 raster.
> Everything worked until i tried to feed it with real size raster i aim to work with, about 10000x10000.
> It takes an incredibly long time to process: 1h40m for a 2048x2048 raster.
> The attached image shows processing time measures for different square raster sizes.
> Would you know what i am doing wrong?
> Regards,
> Adrien
> <raster.py><wps.csv><time-size.png>_______________________________________________
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Gérald Fenoy

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