[Zoo-discuss] Bringing pyModis to the web through ZOO-Project [Report Week 8]

chingchai humhong chingchai.h at gmail.com
Sun Jul 17 22:37:28 PDT 2016

Dear All,

This is my eighth report of GSoC:

Link to the Github: https://github.com/chingchai/pyModis/tree/gsoc-2016/zoo-

Link to the template for the web application:

*1**. **What did you get done this week?*

- This week I continue creating the template by use the web application to
automatically generate the HTML form for accessing pyModis WPS services.

- Testing template and design user interfaces of web mapping application.

*2**. **What do you plan on doing next week?*

- Next week, I will continue creating the template by use the web
application to automatically generate the HTML form for accessing pyModis
WPS services.

- Testing and update the template for the web application to take into
account potential new type of input.

*3**. **Are you blocked on anything?*

- Nothing right now

Best regards,

Chingchai Humhong
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