[Zoo-discuss] ZOO-Project-1.6.0 release candidate 1

Fenoy Gerald gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
Sun Jan 15 06:27:43 PST 2017

Dear ZOO-Project community,
we are glad to announce the publication of the ZOO-Project-1.6.0 release candidate 1 that can be downloaded from here : [1].

The new release includes enhancements, changes and bug fixes, the most important ones are listed bellow :

 * Add C# as a supported programming language for Services 
 * Add nested inputs and outputs support (WPS 2.0.0)
 * Add servicePath special key to specify the service location
 * Add the PHP version 7 support
 * Add --with-etc-dir option to specify the location of the main.cfg file
 * Support GDAL version 2.1.0.
 * Add the MapServer 7.0.1 internal support.
 * Support for exotic location of openssl.
 * Add ZOO-Client API documentation reference in the official documentation.
 * Add CORS support.
 * Fix issue when dealing with Array in JavaScript support.
 * Update the Centos installation procedure.
 * Small fixes in java support.
 * Fix issue when XML request contains empty nodes for inputs
 * Add status update for contour lines computation
 * Fix FASTCGI location using the --with-fastcgi option.
 * Redefined the API function addToMapWithSize to fix problem with Python/PHP support.

Please feel free to report any major bug you may find in this release candidate [2].

Best regards,

[1] http://zoo-project.org/Code/Download
[2] http://zoo-project.org/trac/newticket

GĂ©rald Fenoy

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