[Zoo-discuss] MS4W version 4.0.3 released (includes ZOO-Project OGR demo)

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Fri Jan 31 09:32:36 PST 2020

Dear ZOO-Project community,

MS4W 4.0.3 has been released, that contains many changes and 
improvements for Windows users, but an interesting related enhancement 
is that the default MS4W local map services now output GeoJSON, and a 
ZOO-Project demo is now included in MS4W to show spatial actions as 
buffer, union, etc. executed through MS4W's (MapServer) local GeoJSON 
output, in the browser. (the original version of the demo are driven off 
of GeoServer)  You can download MS4W + its ZOO-Project package and give 
this a try on your Windows server, at https://ms4w.com

Or you can also give that ZOO-Project demo a try on the official MS4W 
demo server directly: https://ms4w.dev/zoo-project/demo/ (click on a 
country, then select a tool in the panel above)

Short background on MS4W: MS4W embeds Python 3.7.5 (and PHP), and with a 
simple zipfile extraction you can serve through 
WMS/WFS/WFS-T/SOS/WCS/WPS/CSW & tiles, on Windows.  MS4W includes 
several pre-configured applications, and in total over 60+ mapfiles and 
data, sharing over 2TB of files with the Windows community each month.

Thank you for using MS4W.
"MS4W: open doors as well as windows"


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

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