[Zoo-discuss] Some news about OGC API - Processes support and GitHub migration

Gérald Fenoy gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
Thu Jun 17 07:41:43 PDT 2021

Dear all,
I come here today to inform you that, as an OGC API - Processes SWG charter member, I had the privilege to participate in an OGC workshop last week and have made this wiki page available online: [1].

As you can clearly see in the report, I have made confusion between Workshop and Code Sprint but, anyway it went of pretty well and I am very glad to report it to you.

Simply to be complete as time has passed since last Friday when I published the report, I should make mention that the MapServer support has been integrated back within the source on GitHub. Also, I should apologize to have waited so long before using theses modifications on GitHub but I did not felt comfortable enough to put the previous versions of the code as it was only in « prototype mode ». Also, the examples should be better treated and an automatic way should be implemented to avoid having to add every single endpoint in the oas.cfg. Nevertheless, it did gave satisfaction this way and make me able to avoid wrong examples or not usable ones. 

Anyway, so now you can play with both OGC API - Processes and keep the automatic publication capability using MapServer as before.

Still, as you can see here [2], there are still work to be done to have what we can accept as a MapServer, meaning adding the OGC API - Features which is no support by MapServer.

To conclude I have made this 16 minutes long video available on YouTube: [3. 

In case you are willing to try it locally, just download the source and run "docker-compose up", wait for the build to happen then, enjoy!

Thanks again to Samuel Souk-Aloun for his contribution on both Docker and docker-compose made last summer.

Last but not least, I would like to announce to the ZOO-Project community that the GitHub repository is now the first and only repository hosting the code of the project.

Have a great day ahead everyone.

Best regards,

[1] https://github.com/ZOO-Project/ZOO-Project/wiki/OGC_Hackathon_2021
[2] https://github.com/ZOO-Project/ZOO-Project/issues/1
[3] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqNulFxLPqI

Gerald Fenoy
Chair, ZOO-Project PSC

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