[Zoo-discuss] ZOO-Project has graduated

Gérald Fenoy gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
Thu Jun 22 01:19:24 PDT 2023

Dear all,
It is a great pleasure for me to come to you today to announce a great achievement for the ZOO-Project.

With the OSGeo board approval, the ZOO-Project is now officially an OSGeo Project. 🎉

I would like to thanks the PSC members for their active support during the incubation period and their patience.

We would also like to thank the community for their support all over the years.

We invite everyone in the community to update the documentation were needed and push the information about incubation status on different communication channels to celebrate this great achievement.

We hope that everyone can celebrate this great event.

Best regards,

Gerald Fenoy
Chair, ZOO-Project PSC

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