[ZOO-PSC] WS Material

nicolas bozon nicolas.bozon at gmail.com
Sat Jul 10 01:15:20 PDT 2010

Hi Daniel,

My coments bellow:

I thought, wow, now I can install Zoo in a few minutes on my PC. Because it
> runs the same version of Ubuntu as the OSGeo LiveDVD.
> So I tried to follow the README, but run into a few issues. I don't know,
> which is 0.3 LiveDVD version, but if it's the one prepared for Barcelona, it
> should be Ubuntu 10.04 as far as I know. Well, on my 10.04 Ubuntu, I had
> these problems:

I think the virtual box image disk provided by Gerald is based on OSGeoLive
3.0 Ammaragong (and not 0.3). OSGeoLive 4.0 is being prepared by Cameron &
co with Xubuntu, but it's still under rc.x, so it made sense to use the
stable 3.0 release.  ZOO install script will be updated when OSGeoLive 4.0
will be released i guess.

>    - sudo apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev libxml2-dev libgdal1-dev
>    libssl-dev libfcgi-bin bison flex
>    -> Couldn't find "libfcgi-bin". Should this be "libfcgi"?
>    - scp foss4g2010 at buildtest.osgeo.org:/osgeo/foss4g2010/workshops/w7/software/zoows.tar.bz2
>    .
>    -> you need to know the "foss4g2010" user password. Very long for
>    people to type btw, so this will cost you a few minutes at the workshop, I
>    think
>    - cd /home/user/zoows/sources/zoo-kernel
>    make
>    -> says something like "nothing to do for target 'all'" (probably my
>    translation doesn't match with the English message). Anyway, is that OK?
For installation under Ubuntu 10.4, you can also read this useful page
written a few month ago by Luca Delucchi on the trac:


He also provided a virtual image at that time :

Hope it helps,

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