[ZOO-PSC] About FOSS4G2010 at Tokyo/Osaka WS material at

Gérald Fenoy gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
Wed Nov 10 18:50:26 PST 2010

Dear Venka,
I would like to take advantage of the publication of the Japanese WS material by osgeo.jp to ask also if we can open the wiki pages to the public on friday (so tomorrow). I didn't receive any official instructions about the time we have to wait to make this material publicly available, so I think it can work. But I want to ensure that no rules are broken making the material available one week after the workshop finish.

Hope to hear from you,
best regards,

Le 11 nov. 2010 à 02:24, Venkatesh Raghavan a écrit :

> Dear PSC,
> FOSS4G2010 at Tokyo/Osaka was well received and
> several improvements/enhancements have been
> made and tested for WS material. Also, Japanese
> translation of new material has been done.
> The local OSGeo community is requesting for the
> material to be made publically available.
> We could decide if the material can be made public
> by a quick vote by PSC members.
> I am +1 for making the material available.
> Best
> Venka
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Gérald Fenoy
gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr

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