[ZOO-PSC] Welcome back

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Tue Jul 24 12:51:17 PDT 2012

Of course now I realize that the ZOO website is still probably hosted at
OCU; but we/PSC may consider moving all of the infrastructure to OSGeo
(it would probably live on the "ProjectsVM":

Food for thought.  Something to consider.

Anyway I still thank OCU/team for hosting!


On 12-07-24 4:47 PM, Jeff McKenna wrote:
> I second that.  Venka, Hayashi-san, and Yoshida-san's constant hard
> work on these OCU servers through the years is very very appreciated.
>  Actually I am sure we may have to rely on that infrastructure for
> backups or running demos from time to time still.
> -jeff

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