[ZOO-PSC] Request for refund to attend the OSGeo Code Sprint

Maria Antonia Brovelli maria.brovelli at polimi.it
Thu Mar 1 06:24:55 PST 2018



A course worth your attending:

Have a good reading:


Prof. Maria Antonia Brovelli
Professor of GIS and Digital Mapping
Politecnico di Milano

P.zza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 - Building 3 - 20133 Milano (Italy)
Tel. +39-02-23996242 - Mob. +39-328-0023867,  <mailto:maria.brovelli at polimi.it> maria.brovelli at polimi.it

Da: Zoo-psc <zoo-psc-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> per conto di nicolas bozon <nicolas.bozon at gmail.com>
Inviato: giovedì 1 marzo 2018 15:19:21
A: Gérald Fenoy
Cc: zoo-psc
Oggetto: Re: [ZOO-PSC] Request for refund to attend the OSGeo Code Sprint

+ 1 Nick.

It is great to have small fund from OSGeo for ZOO-Project , and this would be a very good way to use part of it IMO.



2018-03-01 14:52 GMT+01:00 Gérald Fenoy <gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr<mailto:gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr>>:
Dear PSC,
I contact you today to ask you to vote on the following motion:

Allocate 1000€ from the OSGeo budget for funding my attendance to the Bonn Code Sprint.

I hope we cast your votes quickly.

Best regards,

Gérald Fenoy

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