[ZOO-PSC] Please confirm your interest in ZOO-Project PSC

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Thu Sep 17 08:04:27 PDT 2020

Hi Gérald,

Regarding the OCI API processes support (or the old WPS standard, for 
those unsure of the new terminology yet), the OGC has announced today a 
call for public feedback on the processes draft, until 19 October: 

As you said, this would be a good discussion topic for the new 
ZOO-Project PSC, to outline what our response should be.


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services
co-founder of FOSS4G

On 2020-09-16 7:12 a.m., Gérald Fenoy wrote:
> Dear Angelos,
> Thanks for your answer and your question.
> Actually, I plan to make modifications to the ZOO-Project code base and 
> also continue the work started for the OGC API - Processes support. 
> Maybe, it is also time to migrate to another hosting system for both the 
> code source version system and the web site. Also, the OSGeo incubation 
> is of importance for the project and PSC members can be part of it, for 
> instance by voting on allocating budget to organize an incubation 
> sprint. In consequence, the PSC members will be asked for participating 
> in meetings for project organisation and planing purpose, ideas, 
> insights and also votes on proposals for the next step of the project 
> itself.
> I think that a PSC member should consider himself as having the 
> responsibility to help the project taking the right decisions to get in 
> shape and grow for the next years to come.
> So, the workload would be of few hours a month to review the proposals 
> made and help in taking the right decision.
> I hope we can count on you for this important step of the project.
> Best regards,
> Gérald Fenoy
> Chair, ZOO-Project PSC
>> Le 15 sept. 2020 à 19:31, Angelos Tzotsos <tzotsos at gmail.com 
>> <mailto:tzotsos at gmail.com>> a écrit :
>> Dear Gérald,
>> Thank you for your email, I hope everything is well with you.
>> I am still willing to contribute to the project, but I do not have 
>> enough free time and I am wondering what the workload would be for the 
>> new PSC.
>> Are there any requirements to stay onboard? (e.g. weekly/monthly meetings)
>> Best regards,
>> Angelos
>> On Tue, Sep 15, 2020 at 12:42 PM Gérald Fenoy <gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr 
>> <mailto:gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr>> wrote:
>>     Dear members,
>>     I come to you today as the ZOO-Project Project Steering Committee
>>     (PSC) Chair.
>>     First of all I would like to thank you for your valuable
>>     contributions to the ZOO-Project PSC because it is one reason that
>>     the project has been able to progress over the years.
>>     We are planning to renew the ZOO-Project PSC by bringing new
>>     people in, and we wish to only keep members that are willing to
>>     participate in the management of ZOO-Project. Hence we would like
>>     to have your confirmation that you are still interested in the
>>     project and that you are willing to help grow ZOO-Project moving
>>     forward.
>>     I know how the situation is now with COVID-19 so I understand if
>>     you need time to respond. Still, as I would like to move onto the
>>     next development steps I would like to have your answer within 2
>>     weeks.
>>     I hope to receive a positive answer from you.
>>     Have a great and safe day.
>>     Gérald Fenoy
>>     Chair, ZOO-Project PSC

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