[ZOO-PSC] Funding request

Gérald Fenoy gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
Wed Oct 11 02:45:30 PDT 2023

Dear PSC member,
I come to you today to request for a vote on a funding request.

The request contains the following items where fund are required:

 * Provide new ZOO-Project tee-shirts for 2023 and potential other goodies: 900$US 
 * OSGeo Code Sprint in Vienna from November 6 to 9, I will be participating from 6 to 7 and go back on 8. The budget requested for this is 1100$US, this would partly cover travel expenses
 * FOSS4G-ASIA in Seoul South Korea from November 28to December 2, we will be 3 PSC attending the event and we would request for 2200$US, this would partly cover travel expenses

The total budget request we should vote on is then 4200$US.

I will start with my +1.

We hope to gather votes quickly to start the creation of goodies as soon as possible to ensure getting them on time for the FOSS4G-ASIA.

Best regards,

Gérald Fenoy
gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr

Futur Building I
1280, avenue des Platanes
34970 Lattes
Phone: +33 (0) 4 67 43 09 95
Cellular : +33 (0) 6 70 08 25 39

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