[OSGeo Africa] Geomatics Indaba 2016 - 2nd Call for papers for the peer-reviewed academic track

Serena Coetzee serenacoetzee at gmail.com
Wed Feb 10 13:35:20 PST 2016

Apologies for cross-postings

Second call for papers (peer-reviewed academic track) 

This is the second official call for papers for the peer-reviewed academic track of Geomatics Indaba 2016. 

Geomatics Indaba 2016 is a fully inclusive geomatics sector conference, exhibition and training event, encompassing all levels of interested and relevant persons, organisations, government departments and agencies, municipalities, public and private companies, NGOs, universities and training organisations – from students to professionals; junior staff to executives, officials and leaders; in both the public and private sectors; from South Africa, Africa and abroad. 

DATE: Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, 2, 3 & 4 August 2016. 
VENUE: Emperors Palace, Jones Road, Kempton Park, Gauteng, South Africa. 
CONFERENCE WEBSITE: www.geomatics.org.za 

THEME: Geomatics skills and technologies: Growing professionals to secure our future 
SUBJECT MATTER: Surveying (aerial, cadastral, engineering, hydrographic and mine), cartography, geo-business intelligence, GIS, GI Science, location-based services, mapping, navigation and positioning technologies, photogrammetry, geodesy and remote sensing. 
SPECIAL STREAM: The International Cartographic Association’s Commission on Map Production and Geoinformation Management will be hosting a special stream covering map production and geoinformation management. 

Authors and presenters are invited to submit academic papers for peer-review of approximately 5000 words (including tables, figures, and references) for presentation at the GI 2016 conference. Peer-reviewed academic papers should cover and report on the outputs of theoretical and applied research relevant to the theme, subject matter and target audience of the conference. While it is accepted that proprietary technologies, products and services may be described, peer-reviewed academic papers should be generic in nature, and should not have overtly self-serving or commercial content. The use of company names, brand names and trademarks should be kept to an absolute minimum. 
Academic papers must be submitted using the on-line paper submission system. (The URL for submission is available on the conference website, click here). A selected number of high quality papers will be published as a special issue of the South African Journal of Geomatics (www.sajg.org.za). 
All other accepted papers will be published in the peer-reviewed section of the conference proceedings. 


Presenters (i.e. one person per paper presented) may attend the conference on the day of their presentation at no cost, but if the presenter wishes to attend the full conference and hospitality functions (refreshments, lunches, cocktail party, etc.), then a reduced delegate fee of R3760 + VAT applies. 

Publishing of peer-reviewed academic papers presented at GI 2016 
Peer-reviewed academic papers for GI 2016 will be selected on the basis of their merit, significance, relevance, correctness, originality and clarity following a double-blind peer-review process. A final selection of papers will be published in the South African Journal of Geomatics (ISSN 2225-8531), as well as in a special printed issue of the South African Journal of Geomatics and conference CD to be included in the delegate bags at GI 2016, and at the conference website. Selected peer-reviewed academic papers may also be published in PositionIT magazine (ISBN 1818-2097). 

Paper template and style-sheet for peer-reviewed academic papers 
Peer-reviewed academic papers must follow the defined paper template and style-sheet available at the South African Journal of Geomatics website (www.sajg.org.za). Please strictly adhere to these guidelines. 

Authors will be allocated a 20-minute slot at the GI 2016 conference to present their papers, and will be provided with a digital projector, screen, laser pointer, podium, microphone, remote mouse and notebook PC with the latest version of PowerPoint for their presentation. Due to time limitations, the 20-minute presentations will be limited to 15 slides. 
The opening slide of a presentation must follow a defined conference slide template, but subsequent slides may be free format. Presenters must ensure the text of their slides has adequately sized fonts and background contrast for visibility. 

Important deadline dates 
Call for peer-reviewed academic papers and presenters: Commencing November 2016 Submission of full-text academic papers for peer-review: Closing 1 April 2016 Notification of provisional acceptance of papers for the academic track: Closing 26 May 2016 
Submission of final full-text peer-reviewed academic papers for publishing: Closing 15 June 2016 Registration of presenters of accepted peer-reviewed papers for academic track: Closing 15 July 2016 Submission of PowerPoint presentations for the conference CD: Closing 15 July 2016 Presentation of papers at Geomatics Indaba 2016: 2 - 4 August 2016 

Geomatics Indaba 2016 academic papers committee 
Should you have any further queries regarding peer-reviewed academic papers and presentations at the GI 2016conference, please contact: 

Prof. Fred Cawood (Chairperson), University of the Witwatersrand, frederick.cawood at wits.ac.za 
Prof. Gregory Breetzke, University of South Africa, breetgd at unisa.ac.za 
Prof. Serena Coetzee, University of Pretoria, serena.coetzee at up.ac.za 
Prof. Julian Smit, University of Cape Town, editor at sajg.org.za 
Aslam Parker, Department Rural Development and Land Reform, aslam.parker at drdlr.gov.za 
Chris Munyanti, North West University, 20562187 at nwu.ac.za 
RaubieRaubenheimer, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, raubenheimerj at cput.ac.za 

ICA Track Dr. Peter Schmitz, CSIR Built Environment and Commission Chair of the ICA Commission on Map Production and Geoinformation Management, pschmitz at csir.co.za 

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