[OSGeo Africa] What software is currently used in South Africa tertiary institutions

Antony Cooper ACooper at csir.co.za
Mon Mar 11 06:11:39 PDT 2024

Dear Sindile

What might be of interest to you is Susan Henrico’s PhD thesis, “Understanding the acceptance and use of open source geospatial software – The case of QGIS in South Africa”.  See: https://repository.up.ac.za/handle/2263/75859

Note that Susan was supervised by Serena Coetzee and me.  We also had three papers from her thesis published in Transactions in GIS, but only the most recent might be open access:

Acceptance of open source geospatial software: Assessing QGIS in South Africa with the UTAUT2 model (Oct 2020)

The role of age, gender, experience, education and professional registration in acceptance of QGIS in South Africa (Oct 2021)

Qualitative insights into the acceptance of QGIS in South Africa (Nov 2022)


From: Africa <africa-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> On Behalf Of Sindile Bidla via Africa
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2024 7:57 AM
To: Africa local chapter discussions <africa at lists.osgeo.org>
Cc: Sindile Bidla <sindile.bidla at geoilocate.co.za>
Subject: Re: [OSGeo Africa] What software is currently used in South Africa tertiary institutions

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Hi Zoltan,

Thank you for your response and it is quite useful

The context to my question is the following comment:

"Most government departments and institutes of higher learning use proprietary software and most GIS practitioners were trained on proprietary software such that more GIS professionals are more experienced in proprietary software than open source software. Therefore, it might be challenging for municipalities to recruit candidates with relevant experience in open-source software."

This arose in the context of developing a corporate GIS implementation plan, where the option of using proprietary and free and open source tools was presented.

I also lean towards the view that what software tool you learn at university is irrelevant, as a result I thought let me ask on this list.


On Mon, 11 Mar 2024 at 00:32, Zoltan Szecsei via Africa < africa at lists.osgeo.org<mailto:africa at lists.osgeo.org>> wrote:
Hi Sindile,
If you state the reason for your query, you might get more useful or relevant answers.

(So lets see how useful my response is 😕  )

One does not go to a learning institution (as in University) to learn a SW product.
The usage of any SW product is incidental to what you are being taught.
(So prior knowledge of which SW they base their studies upon, is not useful to you)
To learn a product, go to the product supplier.

If your query to this list is because you want to register with SAGC, then:
(Register as "In Training" before you start/continue your studies.)

  *   If you have not started studying, pick an SAGC accredited course.
  *   If you are partially through your studies, then look on the SAGC website to find a Table with the required course content as needed for the different types and levels of registration.

     *   Compare the content of your completed courses against the content required for registration.
     *   From this you will see what content (and subjects) you are missing and thus need to complete before you can register.
     *   Then choose appropriate courses to gain credits in your missing content.

Hope this helps.

Kind regards,

On 2024/03/10 11:27, Sindile Bidla via Africa wrote:
Hello List,

Does anyone know what software is used by various South African tertiary institutions that offer a qualification in GIS whether it is accredited by SAGC or not.
Are students exposed to both desktop and server tools during their studies?

An internet search revealed the following institutions offer GIS in their curricula

SAGC Accredited
University of Cape Town
University of Stellenbosch
University of Pretoria
Cape Peninsula University of Technology

University of Johannesburg
University of South Africa
University of Venda
University of Fort Hare
Nelson Mandela University
University of KwaZulu Natal
University of Free State
North West University
University of Witwatersrand

Thank you for your feedback.



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Zoltan Szecsei GPrGISc 0031

Director, Geograph (Pty) Ltd.

GIS and Photogrammetric Services

Cape Town, South Africa.

Mobile: +27-83-6004028 (Signal, not WhatsApp)




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