[AtlanticCanada] Fredericton's First OSM "Mappy" Hour

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Mon Jan 31 08:41:31 EST 2011

Hi Bernie,

Just as a background, I just want to explain a little how the Ottawa 
local chapter works: they are a small group (yes as small as us) that 
meets once a month in a pub to chat about Open Source Geospatial. 
That's it.  Sometimes a presentation occurs, most times it's just a way 
to get together and have a beer and talk about our industry.  I loved 
it.  No pressure to plan a big event.

I think the Atlantic Chapter is trying to make larger plans for the 
meetings, ok, but I'd rather just announce that we are going to meet, 
and then see how involved the gathering needs to be.

For example, our local chapter could just meet after the OSM meeting. 
We could even announce that it will be a joint meeting.

What are everyone's thoughts?


On 11-01-28 4:38 PM, Connors, Bernie (SNB) wrote:
 > What did you have in mind?

On 11-01-28 4:32 PM, Jeff McKenna wrote:
> On 11-01-28 4:29 PM, Connors, Bernie (SNB) wrote:
>> I can’t wait to find out how many OSM’ers will come to the first meeting:
>> http://www.meetup.com/fredosm/events/16347497/
> Great, should we wrap an OSGeo chapter meeting around this event too??

Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

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