[Aust-NZ] Australia and New Zealand Available WMS and WFS Services

Noli Sicad nsicad at gmail.com
Sun Aug 15 19:42:51 EDT 2010

Hi Hamish,

> the Geosciences Australia OGC Web Map server might be of
> interest:
>  http://www.ga.gov.au/wms/getmap?dataset=national&request=getCapabilities

> ? (I don't know much more about it beyond the url)

It seems to be working. I just tested it using 3G mobile vodafone
connection :-).  Just see the layers.

>> Any plans in pipeline for Australia and New Zealand WMS
>> and WFS services?
> the NZopenGPS is currently working at getting the full
> LINZ topo dataset into OpenStreetMaps. (So far only the
> Chatham Islands trial is 98% complete) Once that is done
> I'd like to look at setting it up as a Free WMS(Mapnik or
> Osmarender styles)/WFS as exists for some parts of Europe.
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/LINZ

Cadastral boundary imports is I think very useful for general public
(e.g. agriculture, forestry, real estate developers, etc.)

> I believe that for NZ the server loads will probably be
> low enough to be manageable. Due to expensive bandwidth
> it would probably have to be limited to NZ only.

Is the server cost or end user cost (download) in using the service?
If it is server cost, then probably host it somewhere cheaper.

> (yes, LINZ->postgis->osm->postgis->wms is a long chain,
> but hopefully not too lossy)

OSM good data provider but just limited to roads, coastlines, POI.
Cadastral boundary would be good addition in the case OSM-NZ.



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