[Aust-NZ] FOSS4G-SOTM-Oceania: update & next committee meeting

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Sat Dec 9 11:02:08 PST 2017

comments inline:

On 9/12/17 6:40 pm, John Bryant wrote:
> Hi all,
> By way of an update on things I'm aware of, a few items of note:
>   * David Dean is currently seeking support from OSM Foundation for
>     use of the SOTM trademark.
>   * A wiki page has been created at
>     https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G-SOTM-Oceania (but it's pretty
>     sparse so far). Please feel free to edit this page and add content!
Cameron: I suggest that you use this page as an index/jump page to other 
>   * Daniel Silk has a colleague who may be interested in attempting a
>     logo. Likely others will want to do this as well. It will probably
>     pay to be proactive, and create a logo brief... anyone wish to
>     take a lead on this (Daniel perhaps?)?
Cameron: Tips on logo creation here: 
>   * We've already started receiving suggestions for venues, and have
>     been approached by the Melbourne Convention Bureau. We need to
>     make early progress on our choice of venue, as it's potentially a
>     major component of the budget and we need to understand our costs
>     ASAP.
> We agreed at last week's meeting that we'd aim to meet again around 
> the 18th (Monday week). Before this meeting, there are some things we 
> should/could tackle:
>   * *Finalise minutes.* The Google Doc
>     <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wBys9xsDxm7rFFBiQFqjQxyAhn5QspNqbcgNYjArcks>
>     is a good place to edit minutes, but I think we need a more
>     permanent record of decisions and meeting notes. Can everyone who
>     attending this meeting please review the minutes, and
>     discuss/comment/edit as needed, by this coming Monday 11th? Once
>     finalised, we can then grab a static copy of the minutes and post
>     them on the wiki.
Cameron: I suggest that you minimise the work you create for yourself. 
Re keeping records - you typically have chat logs or email threads which 
are archived for you. You might want to summarise key decisions only in 
a minutes page.

I've added to the comments in the Google Doc.
>   * *Discuss conference length*. At the last meeting, there was some
>     discussion about whether the conference (exclusive of workshops
>     and code sprint/hackathon/mapathon) should be 1 day or 2 (for a
>     total event length of 3 or 4 days). This wasn't resolved then, but
>     again, as a major factor in determining the shape of the event
>     (and thus cost, logistics, venue etc), we need to come to terms
>     with this. I suggest we discuss by mailing list leading up to the
>     meeting, and try to make a decision at the meeting.
>   * *Discuss dates*. Currently, this stands at 'some time in
>     November(ish)'. There is a document in the Google Drive
>     <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-bueIooYwUH6q8PQIH0J0Ou_KOpWhmJQl9Qa690z_Ao> with
>     a number of other relevant events on the calendar, and a sheet to
>     help us
>     <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-bueIooYwUH6q8PQIH0J0Ou_KOpWhmJQl9Qa690z_Ao/edit#gid=1314617119>
>     narrow down dates. Having a set date will allow us to begin
>     promoting the event in earnest, and get people to save the date in
>     their own calendars. I suggest we review & discuss these dates,
>     and attempt to choose a week either at the meeting, or beforehand.
>   * *Review & discuss roles*. There is a preliminary list of roles (or
>     committees) identified in the Planning Document
>     <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YPF3fOsClnYrMXe68_01eF2tc8NwZlDxliWIkWby014/edit#>,
>     this would be a good time for folks to contribute to discussion
>     around how we break up & share the work. Some of these roles can
>     be filled by one person, some might require a group to take on the
>     relevant tasks. If you have thoughts around this, please chime in.
>     And by all means put your hands up for stuff you want to take on!
> Let's pick a time for the next meeting, Doodle poll here: 
> https://doodle.com/poll/c8tfkxtcqdpw8545. We did say the 18th, but 
> I've also added the 19th in as an option in case it works better for 
> people. I'll tally up the votes at the end of the day on Thursday.
> Suggested agenda (please add items that are on your mind!):
>   * Decide on conference length
>   * Decide on dates
>   * Discuss roles, in the context of early priorities (see timeline
>     <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mU6beJA7NteqCNQ6iW7LpCL-06lwwxnESnvcRAY6nT8/edit#gid=0>,
>     and please feel free to edit it)
>   * ...
> It might be an idea to open new threads on this mailing list for 
> specific discussions. Looking forward to hearing what's on people's minds!
> Cheers
> John
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Cameron Shorter
Technology Demystifier, Learnosity
Open Technologies Consultant

M +61 (0) 419 142 254

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