[Aust-NZ] FOSS4G-SOTM-Oceania: update & next committee meeting

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Mon Dec 11 14:06:27 PST 2017

Hi Rob,

Great to see you jump in on the conversation. For those who don't know 
Rob already, he is one of the legends of Geospatial thought leadership 
and has done a huge amount with Open Source. He has also been a good 
friend of mine for close to 20 years.

Having said that: Rob, I accept your point of being too busy to get 
deeply involved, but think that staff membership of the OGC should not 
be used as an excuse to exclude being involved in Open Source activities.

Cheers, Cameron

On 12/12/17 7:35 am, Rob Atkinson wrote:
> Hi all,
> belated introduction here - following this with interest.
> I'm not in a position to be actively involved this time round, for 
> both workload and neutrality issues as I am a part-time member of OGC 
> staff,  but I am also actively developing open-source components for 
> supporting Linked Data views over spatio-temporal resources - and 
> would like to run a workshop on these matters come November.
> I'm also keen to hear if there are any requirements from the community 
> for specific functionality or content to be available via the emerging 
> OGC knowledge infrastructure, we will be building a Linked Data 
> explorer for all the OGC resources such as specifications, best 
> practices, vocabularies etc.
> Rob Atkinson
> On Sun, 10 Dec 2017 at 06:02 Cameron Shorter 
> <cameron.shorter at gmail.com <mailto:cameron.shorter at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     comments inline:
>     On 9/12/17 6:40 pm, John Bryant wrote:
>>     Hi all,
>>     By way of an update on things I'm aware of, a few items of note:
>>       * David Dean is currently seeking support from OSM Foundation
>>         for use of the SOTM trademark.
>>       * A wiki page has been created at
>>         https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G-SOTM-Oceania (but it's
>>         pretty sparse so far). Please feel free to edit this page and
>>         add content!
>     Cameron: I suggest that you use this page as an index/jump page to
>     other information.
>>       * Daniel Silk has a colleague who may be interested in
>>         attempting a logo. Likely others will want to do this as
>>         well. It will probably pay to be proactive, and create a logo
>>         brief... anyone wish to take a lead on this (Daniel perhaps?)?
>     Cameron: Tips on logo creation here:
>     https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_Handbook#Logo
>>       * We've already started receiving suggestions for venues, and
>>         have been approached by the Melbourne Convention Bureau. We
>>         need to make early progress on our choice of venue, as it's
>>         potentially a major component of the budget and we need to
>>         understand our costs ASAP.
>>     We agreed at last week's meeting that we'd aim to meet again
>>     around the 18th (Monday week). Before this meeting, there are
>>     some things we should/could tackle:
>>       * *Finalise minutes.* The Google Doc
>>         <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wBys9xsDxm7rFFBiQFqjQxyAhn5QspNqbcgNYjArcks>
>>         is a good place to edit minutes, but I think we need a more
>>         permanent record of decisions and meeting notes. Can everyone
>>         who attending this meeting please review the minutes, and
>>         discuss/comment/edit as needed, by this coming Monday 11th?
>>         Once finalised, we can then grab a static copy of the minutes
>>         and post them on the wiki.
>     Cameron: I suggest that you minimise the work you create for
>     yourself. Re keeping records - you typically have chat logs or
>     email threads which are archived for you. You might want to
>     summarise key decisions only in a minutes page.
>     I've added to the comments in the Google Doc.
>>       * *Discuss conference length*. At the last meeting, there was
>>         some discussion about whether the conference (exclusive of
>>         workshops and code sprint/hackathon/mapathon) should be 1 day
>>         or 2 (for a total event length of 3 or 4 days). This wasn't
>>         resolved then, but again, as a major factor in determining
>>         the shape of the event (and thus cost, logistics, venue etc),
>>         we need to come to terms with this. I suggest we discuss by
>>         mailing list leading up to the meeting, and try to make a
>>         decision at the meeting.
>>       * *Discuss dates*. Currently, this stands at 'some time in
>>         November(ish)'. There is a document in the Google Drive
>>         <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-bueIooYwUH6q8PQIH0J0Ou_KOpWhmJQl9Qa690z_Ao> with
>>         a number of other relevant events on the calendar, and a
>>         sheet to help us
>>         <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-bueIooYwUH6q8PQIH0J0Ou_KOpWhmJQl9Qa690z_Ao/edit#gid=1314617119>
>>         narrow down dates. Having a set date will allow us to begin
>>         promoting the event in earnest, and get people to save the
>>         date in their own calendars. I suggest we review & discuss
>>         these dates, and attempt to choose a week either at the
>>         meeting, or beforehand.
>>       * *Review & discuss roles*. There is a preliminary list of
>>         roles (or committees) identified in the Planning Document
>>         <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YPF3fOsClnYrMXe68_01eF2tc8NwZlDxliWIkWby014/edit#>,
>>         this would be a good time for folks to contribute to
>>         discussion around how we break up & share the work. Some of
>>         these roles can be filled by one person, some might require a
>>         group to take on the relevant tasks. If you have thoughts
>>         around this, please chime in. And by all means put your hands
>>         up for stuff you want to take on!
>>     Let's pick a time for the next meeting, Doodle poll here:
>>     https://doodle.com/poll/c8tfkxtcqdpw8545. We did say the 18th,
>>     but I've also added the 19th in as an option in case it works
>>     better for people. I'll tally up the votes at the end of the day
>>     on Thursday.
>>     Suggested agenda (please add items that are on your mind!):
>>       * Decide on conference length
>>       * Decide on dates
>>       * Discuss roles, in the context of early priorities (see
>>         timeline
>>         <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mU6beJA7NteqCNQ6iW7LpCL-06lwwxnESnvcRAY6nT8/edit#gid=0>,
>>         and please feel free to edit it)
>>       * ...
>>     It might be an idea to open new threads on this mailing list for
>>     specific discussions. Looking forward to hearing what's on
>>     people's minds!
>>     Cheers
>>     John
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>     -- 
>     Cameron Shorter
>     Technology Demystifier, Learnosity
>     Open Technologies Consultant
>     M+61 (0) 419 142 254 <tel:0419%20142%20254>
>     _______________________________________________
>     Aust-NZ mailing list
>     Aust-NZ at lists.osgeo.org <mailto:Aust-NZ at lists.osgeo.org>
>     https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/aust-nz

Cameron Shorter
Technology Demystifier, Learnosity
Open Technologies Consultant

M +61 (0) 419 142 254

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