[Belgium] Hosting of web site foss4g.be [was Re: Minutes of the 2015-06-05 meeting and revised version of the call for sponsors]

Johan Van de Wauw johan.vandewauw at gmail.com
Wed Jun 10 01:38:16 PDT 2015

>> Thanks, Marc !
>> My proposal concerning an email address also raises the question of
>> hosting of the website and possible email addresses.
>> We did not really speak about this, but even in the unlikely situation
>> that OSGeo does not accept our chapter, I guess we will still organise
>> the event, and so we can go ahead with arranging hosting of the web
>> site, or ?
>> One place, in line with OSGeo ideas, would be Domaine public [1]. See
>> [2] for the technical specifications. Even a minimal account (cf towards
>> the bottom of the page) would probably be enough for our purposes.

foss4g.be is currently registered at gandi.net . I can add
mailforwarding (1000 adresses) and up to five mailboxes if needed
without a fee. I can give others access if needed.

I can also add an mx record to forward to dirks mailserver (or any
other). For the website, I would check with the webmaster - probably
he can host it. If needed, I have a server which we could use.

Kind Regards,

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