[Belgium] Mapping facilities for homeless and socially disabled people

KRUWIALIS Gael gkruwialis at environnement.brussels
Sun Nov 15 11:34:30 PST 2015

Hello all,

I met them this afternoon, and normally we‘ll scheduled in the future a meeting to discuss how to join our opportunities.
I think that it will be necessary during our next meeting to determine which ways, which positions, etc... we want or can adopt with such initiatives.
With Dewey, it seems that there are a lot of complementarity with the initiative that Christophe proposed


De : Belgium [mailto:belgium-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] De la part de Maelle Vercauteren
Envoyé : samedi 14 novembre 2015 11:14
À : Moritz Lennert
Cc : belgium at lists.osgeo.org
Objet : Re: [Belgium] Mapping facilities for homeless and socially disabled people

Thanks Johan and Moritz for the feedback !

It could be really intersting to meet Dewey association. But unfortunately it would be difficult for me to be availible this Sunday…Christophe do you want and have the possibility to contact them ?

If not I can write them an e-mail this evening to see if we can collaborate in the event or if we can improve their map in this thematic?

For the brainstorming with people from these associations it's for me really necessary to do it first especially to check the existing tools, target the public - I don't think the homeless themselves could use this kind of tools (unlike refugees / migrants who are an other kind of public) but for sure it could be usefull for volunteers helping them…

So when would we plan the brainstorming : begining of December?


2015-11-12 17:00 GMT+01:00 Moritz Lennert <mlennert at club.worldonline.be<mailto:mlennert at club.worldonline.be>>:
Hi everyone,

I will be less present in the discussions than before as I really have to get stuff done at work.

On this particular issue, you should check


and the parties involved (dewey.de<http://dewey.de>)


On 12/11/15 07:29, Johan Van de Wauw wrote:
Hello Christophe,

First of all thanks for the  idea. I was in a hurry preparing my
"conclusions and outlook for osgeo.be<http://osgeo.be> <http://osgeo.be>" presentation.
One of the things I wanted to add was how we can use FOSS4G to create
value - somewhat triggered by the "where is the money" discussion just

Anyway, I'm adding the openstreetmap be mailing list as they have much
more experience in organising mapping parties.

To the OSM folks: the idea is to organise a "mapping party" targeted
towards homeless and socially disabled people. Full thread below (I
added an inline comment).

Kind Regards,

On Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 11:44 PM, Christophe Cloquet
<christophe at my-poppy.eu<mailto:christophe at my-poppy.eu> <mailto:christophe at my-poppy.eu<mailto:christophe at my-poppy.eu>>> wrote:

    Thank you for your interest in this topic !

    I am volunteer at the Red-Cross, so I could also relay to that
    network, as well as to 'La Strada', and some other small structures.

    Now, I never attended such a mapping party, so I do not know how
    many people to expect. I could mobilize some, but few with a
    cartographic background. However, people from the field could
    perhaps bring useful informations that are not otherwise easily
    accessible ?

That is surely the case - they may also help finding out what is really
important, how maps are probably going to be used (print, smartphone,
language , ...?), ... that is much more important than eg what software
we are going to use.

I'd actually suggest sitting together and brainstorming with at least
some of them first, so we can prepare the mapping party, this can be on
short notice.

    Best regards,


    PS : There is perhaps also something to do for the migrants as well !

    Le 11/11/2015 07:42, Maelle Vercauteren a écrit :
    Yes it could be really great to start with that !

    I'm volunteer at Médecins du Monde. So if you want I could help
    for making a link with them. Next week we will start the « Plan
    Hiver» (http://www.medecinsdumonde.be/belgique/le-plan-hiver) in
    SAMU to open medical facilities for homeless people. In parallel,
    they also have a project for migrants this year « Quai 22 » at

    I know that the Hackathon's winning team made a mapping tool for
    disabled people. Perhaps it could be nice to contact them and see
    if the technical architecture of their tool is interesting for the
    project ?

    By the way, to place this first activity the January 29 at the
    ULB, we (Moritz and I) need to know what kind of room would be
    needed (capacity, etc ...) and with what time-schedule...

    Kind regards, Maë//e

    2015-11-09 20:30 GMT+01:00 Dirk Frigne <dirk.frigne at geosparc.com<mailto:dirk.frigne at geosparc.com>
    <mailto:dirk.frigne at geosparc.com<mailto:dirk.frigne at geosparc.com>>>:

        I think this is a great idea.
        We discussed today the next possible events of OSGeo.be and
        one of the
        idea's (Marc) is to organise some tech network events
        (probably evolving
        to a code sprint). This could be a nice topic to dicuss the


        On 09-11-15 18:58, Christophe Cloquet wrote:
        > Hi everyone,
        > Thanks again for the organization of FOSS4G !
        > As a suggestion for an upcoming activity, I would like to
        propose a
        > mapping challenge around the facilities for homeless and
        > disabled people. There are already some data here and there
        (like open
        > data about the water facilities), there is a yearly print
        map made by
        > 'La Strada' (it seems they might need some help for their
        online service
        > : http://plan.brureg-lastrada.be/service/list/), but by
        putting together
        > GIS specialists, citizens, charities (Red-Cross, Infirmiers
        de rue,
        > Médecins du Monde, ...) and beneficiaries, I am convinced
        > great could happen !
        > For instance, we could inventoriate social restaurants, social
        > hair-cutters, places where homeless people can drink some
        > 'cafés-suspendus', etc.
        > This could in turn form the basis for an app/website sur as
        this one :
        > https://www.facebook.com/EntourageReseauCivique/, that could
        benefit to
        > homeless people.
        > I am quite busy at the moment to organize this event by
        myself, but if
        > it can be organized, I can relay it through my networks, and
        come to
        > help for the mapping party !
        > What would you think ?
        > Kind regards,
        > Christophe
        > --
        > *Christophe Cloquet*
        > rue Van Bortonne 7 | 1090 Jette
        > +32 485 087 949<tel:%2B32%20485%20087%20949> <tel:%2B32%20485%20087%20949>
        > christophe at my-poppy.eu<mailto:christophe at my-poppy.eu> <mailto:christophe at my-poppy.eu<mailto:christophe at my-poppy.eu>>
        > be.linkedin.com/in/ccloquet<http://be.linkedin.com/in/ccloquet>
        > Poppy <http://www.my-poppy.eu>
        > hello at my-poppy.eu<mailto:hello at my-poppy.eu> <mailto:hello at my-poppy.eu<mailto:hello at my-poppy.eu>>
        > www.my-poppy.eu<http://www.my-poppy.eu> <http://www.my-poppy.eu>
        > Poppy is a brand of Living Apps sprl | rue Van Bortonne 7 |
        1090 Jette |
        > BE 0564.821.397
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        Yours sincerely,

        ir. Dirk Frigne
        CEO @geosparc

        Geosparc n.v.
        Brugsesteenweg 587
        B-9030 Ghent
        Tel: +32 9 236 60 18<tel:%2B32%209%20236%2060%2018> <tel:%2B32%209%20236%2060%2018>
        GSM: +32 495 508 799<tel:%2B32%20495%20508%20799> <tel:%2B32%20495%20508%20799>


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    Coordinatrice du stage SIG Libres ARES

    Université Libre de Bruxelles - IGEAT (CP 130 / 03)

    Av. F. D. Roosevelt, 50
    B-1050 Bruxelles
    Tél.: 02/650.68.14 Fax: 02/650.50.92 Local: DB6.143



    *Christophe Cloquet*
    rue Van Bortonne 7 | 1090 Jette
    +32 485 087 949<tel:%2B32%20485%20087%20949>

    <mailto://christophe@my-poppy.eu<mailto:christophe@my-poppy.eu>>christophe at my-poppy.eu<mailto:christophe at my-poppy.eu>
    <mailto:christophe at my-poppy.eu<mailto:christophe at my-poppy.eu>>
    be.linkedin.com/in/ccloquet<http://be.linkedin.com/in/ccloquet> <http://be.linkedin.com/in/ccloquet>

    Poppy <http://www.my-poppy.eu>

    <mailto://hello@my-poppy.eu<mailto:hello@my-poppy.eu>>hello at my-poppy.eu<mailto:hello at my-poppy.eu> <mailto:hello at my-poppy.eu<mailto:hello at my-poppy.eu>>
    <http://www.my-poppy.eu>www.my-poppy.eu<http://www.my-poppy.eu> <http://www.my-poppy.eu>

    Poppy is a brand of Living Apps sprl | rue Van Bortonne 7 | 1090
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    Belgium mailing list
    Belgium at lists.osgeo.org<mailto:Belgium at lists.osgeo.org> <mailto:Belgium at lists.osgeo.org<mailto:Belgium at lists.osgeo.org>>

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Coordinatrice du stage SIG Libres ARES

Université Libre de Bruxelles - 
IGEAT (CP 130 / 03)

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Tél.: 02/650.68.14 Fax: 02/650.50.92 Local: DB6.143
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