[Board] Request: create a fund for GSoC students mobility managed by GSoC initiative

Margherita Di Leo diregola at gmail.com
Sat Dec 23 03:39:13 PST 2017

Dear Board,

following up the previous request and consequent assignation of a travel
grant for a GSoC sudent to attend FOSDEM: the travel grant was assigned, 2
students had requested it, so I suggested the student to ask OSGeo
conference committee for assignation of the same amount.
But apparently the things are more complicated than I thought. So I
consulted among GSoC admins and we came to the conclusion that the easier
way to handle these kind of requests is to request the board a sum, we
thought of 3000 USD, to create a fund, managed by GSoC admins, that would
grant scholarships of 500 USD to GSoC-OSGeo students that intend to present
their GSoC works in international conferences. The grants would be assigned
on a first come first served basis.
In this way we mean to promote the GSoC program with OSGeo, that in the
course of the years has produced great new code and has helped many
students to become developers for OSGeo.
Managing this fund directly would mean for us to be able to overcome many
decision layers that are currently inevitable, see the thread [1].
We would be particularly grateful if you could discuss this request in your
meeting today, sorry for short notice.

Best regards and merry Xmas and happy new year to everyone.


Margherita Di Leo
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