[California] California Chapter Events and Activities for 2011Annual Report Item

maplabs at light42.com maplabs at light42.com
Mon Jul 16 18:39:19 PDT 2012

Hey Landom, thanks for doing this.. 
FluxNet is an international network of networks, mostly outside the US
Dr. Dennis Baldocchi is one of the US coordinators

( I will be visiting Dennis again soon to show off some work, when its ready)
The 3 day symposium was held at the David Brower Environmental Center 
in Berkeley
I inroduced OSGeo and the LiveDVD to many visiting scholars over all 
three days

The California Invasive Plant Society HQ is right down the street here 
in Berkeley
also, their annual meeting was held at the Brower Center, and, I took 
advantage of that, too
Their event was one full day. I did the honors of OSGeo talking points 
and LiveDVD copies
simply by circulating during breaks and in the evening

  Lastly, I have done the same at several other, less notable meetings 
in 2011, but these listed were
significant so I took the trouble to write it down. No other CA Chaper 
members were present at either
that I recall.. 

   best regards  -Brian

On Mon, 16 Jul 2012 15:44:21 -0700, Landon Blake  wrote:
I'm working to knock out a chunk of the 2011 Annual Report this week. 
> I'm starting with our Chapter report item. I've put together the
> following list of events for 2011 using our wiki:
> 4/2011 AAG Meeting
> 6/2011: California Invasive Plant Society Annual Meeting
> 6/2011: Fluxnet and Remote Sensing Open Workshop
> 10/2011: Annual Chapter Meeting
> Would it be possible to have you guys confirm the following for each
> event listed above (except for the chapter meeting):
> - Chapter members that attended. 
> - Location, date and time (if not on our chapter wiki). 
> - Member activities at event (booth, talk, etc.). 
> Ragi: Do you have a list of GeoMeetup Speakers from 2011? I'd like to
> include those meetings in our report if you don't object. 
> Also: Can I get updates on our members activities related to open
> source GIS or OSGeo? That includes talks you've given, work on
> software projects, work on project documentation, etc. 
> I really appreciate everyone's help putting together the content for
> our 2011 Annual Report Item. I know I'm a pain in the butt. 
> Please feel free to respond to this e-mail or to e-mail me off list
> with the requested information. 
> Thanks. 
> Landon
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