[Conference-resources] How to use Pretalx and Venueless?

신상희(Sanghee Shin) shshin at gaia3d.com
Fri Feb 24 03:05:20 PST 2023

Hi there,

FOSS4G Asia 2023 Seoul(https://foss4g.asia/2023/) team will soon 
announce the Call for Presentations/Workshops and we're considering 
Pretalx for managing that process. How can we use Pretalx at OSGeo?

Also we have a plan to run the event as a mixed hybrid conference. So, 
if we can get more information about Venueless, that might be 
appreciated. Does OSGeo have Venueless account or something like that?

And can we have previous sponsors list?

Kind regards,
Shin, Sanghee
Gaia3D, Inc. - The GeoSpatial Company

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