[Workshops] Templates for Workshop Submissions

Dave Patton davep at confluence.org
Sun Mar 30 23:26:54 EDT 2008

burnie nawn wrote:
> Dave
> Thanks for the template. I will work on it this evening. What changes
> would you like to incorporate?

Some of the issues are captured here:

In addition, I think it might be useful to have a section
in the template where Instructors list where, if at all,
they have delivered the same, or substantially the same,
Workshop/Lab as outlined in their proposal. I think that
info should include the venue (i.e. conference name, etc.),
date, title, and any co-instructors.
Particularly for FOSS4G conferences, as the years go by, we
will build a set of evaluations that may help illuminate
any discussions about either specific Workshops/Labs or
about general topics/themes or types of content.

Dave Patton

System Developer
National Forest Inventory
Pacific Forestry Centre
Natural Resources Canada

Degree Confluence Project:
Canadian Coordinator
Technical Coordinator

OSGeo FOSS4G2007 conference:
Workshop Committee Chair
Conference Committee member

Personal website:
Maps, GPS, etc.

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