[Workshops] Re: foss4g press release pipeline

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Mon Jan 25 14:58:38 EST 2010

Yes Oscar,
Our foss4g 2009 press release process is here:

I have shared our extensive foss4g 2009 contact list which includes 
lists of translators and project owners which we used for forwarding on 
major press releases.

I strongly suggest you make use of community leaders to forward on press 
releases for you.

You can see from our foss4g metrics just how successful this tactic was:
53% heard about foss4g from a friend or colleague. 24% heard about it 
from an email list.
Despite having many adds in targeted magazines, only 1% heard about the 
conference from a magazine.

Have a look at "Cover Email" links at 
http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2009_Press_Releases for examples of 
letters to community leaders.

Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 3:01 PM, Óscar Fonts
> <oscar.fonts.lists at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Press releas was sent to osgeo-discuss, foss4g, conference-workshops and
>> live-demo osgeo lists. I didn't want to flood all the project specific lists
>> with the call, but I will in a few hours if it is worth sending. Sorry for
>> this conservative press release.
>> No, don't have good contact email list. If you are aware of other lists or
>> contacts beyond OSGeo mailman ones please tell here and will send the press
>> release as well.
> Oscar,
> Cameron had an extensive protocol for getting out
> FOSS4G 2009 announcements.  It include
> news_item at osgeo.org and a list of key community
> members in the various projects who were asked to
> forward the announcements to their project.
> I would encourage you to forward the announcement
> now to news_item at osgeo.org and I'll publish it on
> the main osgeo announce channel.  Then review
> Cameron's protocol - likely in the wiki.  If not, ask
> him for details.
> I personally wouldn't mind if we were slightly less
> aggressive about getting all the announcements out
> to all likely locations.  But there are a few key
> announcements that do need to be widely  distributed.
> Best regards,

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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