[OSGeo-Conf] Suggested topics to cover in "Letter of Intent"

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Sat Feb 27 15:48:39 EST 2010

I've just realised that the reason I haven't heard much about foss4g 
2011 is because my subscription to the email list has been disabled. 
Anyway, I'm back online.

I've also added the following suggestions to 

Cameron Shorter, Chair of FOSS4G suggests also addressing the following 

    * Historically, half to three quarters of delegates come from the
      hosting country / region. Hence it is very valuable to have links
      with the regional geospatial industries.
    * How do you propose to engage the regional communities in order to
      attract delegates and sponsors.
    * The more recent conferences have all worked with a professional
      conference organisor. If you plan to make use of one, please
      mention them.

The following historical FOSS4G metrics will likely be useful:

    * http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Al9zh8DjmU_RdEZoOUtSeVZRVWtKQzV6R2N5ekdSdlE&hl=en_GB

If you think these comments are generally worthy, you are welcome to 
remove the "Cameron Shorter said" qualifier.

It would be useful to include all sponsorship, (and where appropriate, 
major in kink contributions) into this public spreadsheet. Any data 
which can be determined by the public from other sources should be able 
to be incorporated.

How much of this data do you already have?

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