[OSGeo-Discuss] Small projects

Jody Garnett jgarnett at refractions.net
Wed Mar 1 10:21:29 PST 2006

Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Ari,
> I have been asking myself this question too.  The "Project" 
> infrastructure,
> requiring a PSC, an incubation period, committer agreements, web 
> sub-domain
> and so forth seems pretty heavy.  So, I am doubtful that it would be
> appropriate to handle more modest sized project that way.   I have been
> asking myself a similar question about things like libtiff, libgeotiff,
> PROJ.4, MITAB, AVCE00 and Shapelib.  My conclusion so far is that they
> might be better handled as a sub-project of an existing major project.
Both GeoTools and uDig have a tradition of offering "spike" or 
"community" directories
for people to start off projects in.  This facility has been used to 
spawn off separate project (geowidgets)
but is usually focused on plug-ins and sketching out rough ideas.


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