[OSGeo-Discuss] Brazil OSGeo Chapter - first try

Helton Uchoa uchoa at geolivre.org.br
Wed May 31 15:35:47 PDT 2006

Hi list,

Since creation of OSGeo, the main infomations are translated to 
brazilian FOSS GIS community. GEOLivre.org.br is a website (>850 
members) and MapServer Brasil Yahoo Group (>500 members, created in 
2003) is the mailing list that have probably more than 99% of brazilian 
community. In Brazil, there are many projects/groups: MapServer/Oracle 
(Univali University), e-Foto (UERJ - Rio de Janeiro State University), 
Geolivre Linux/Open 3D GIS (OpenGEO Company), Terralib/Terraview (INPE), 
etc. All these groups change informations by e-mail in MapServer Brasil 
Yahoo Group (this name is not appropriate today, because informations 
about many others technologias are changed).

In the main brazilian events of Geotechnologies, the FOSS GIS community 
changes experiences and explain the Free Software Philosophy to new 
members. In last years, 2 events are made in Brazil with FOSS GIS as 
main theme: MapServer Users Meeting (UNIVALI - Santa Catarina) and 
Geolivre Rio (UERJ - Rio de Janeiro). I have talked to anothers 
University, Companies (IBM Brazil, Autodesk US, etc) and governamental 
institutions to make possible the creation of fisrt international event 
(www.geolivre.org) dedicated to FOSS GIS in Brazil.

When I think about local OSGeo Chapter, I believe that partitipation of 
local groups are already working in the same way/philosophy/ideas of 
OSGeo make more sense that the creation of a local "non-profit 
organization" (NPO) in this initial stage of OSGeo. I known exactly the 
cost to create e to maintain a NPO in Brazil and I don't think this is 
the most indicated solution now. The most active groups and persons in 
Brazil have worked in the FOSS promotion with a high level of 
integration with no "legal" organization.

Actions that made FOSS GIS comunities strong in Brazil (I think that we 
can use some of these ideas to OSGeo promotion):
- Scientific/technical events of FOSS GIS with University;
- Presentations (papers) in Geotechnologies conferences/events;
- Technical articles ("FOSS in action") in local magazines;
- Exchange information of all local groups.

A simple pratical (and efficient) promotion example: in last years, I 
have participated (as speaker) of main Geotechnologies events in Brazil 
and I have invited the potencial FOSS GIS users to join us 
(Geolivre.org.br & MapServer Brasil). In this year, I will participate 
(as speaker too) of GEOBrasil Summit (http://www.geobr.com.br) taking 
about of FOSS GIS in the world and the OSGeo. This is the most important 
Geotechnology event in Brazil and, probably, the FOSS GIS will be the 
most viewed presentation like others similars events. And you can ask: 
what's the secret? It's a cultural answer: I understood that to 
brazilian users of GIS solutions is more important to show the real 
cases of FOSS (projects with FOSS in action) than talk in deep about 
FOSS concepts. So, in my all presentations I talk about concepts and 
show the FOSS in action.

My concern is that the exchange information between OSGeo board and 
local communities/groups is more important in this "initial stage" than 
local osgeo chapter creation and can be more efficient to OSGeo 
promotion too.

I will open the discussion in brazilian community about this issue 
(local OSGeo Chapter) and bring to OSGeo the our community suggestions.

Now, I am working in OSGeo promotion in my next presentations in Brazil 
and suggestions are welcome.

Best regards,


pmarc wrote:

> [crosspost to discuss and international-discuss]
> Hi all.
> After reading some discussion on discuss-, I created a wikipage [1] to
> congregate brazilian users of geospatial software, and also a project
> [2] on the OSGeo site.
> The first idea is to build some momentum, and then proceed to the
> creation of the entity following local regulation. As of yet, I have
> no idea if it's possible (or feasible) to make the entity able to
> receive foreign funds.
> I am aware that OSGeo has (currently) no official policy regarding
> local chapters, but I don't think that should be a problem, since what
> I have in mind is to replicate OSGeo policies here and to keep the
> organization updated on the local scenario and developments.
> Gary Lang, please update the AutoDesk Brasil people on this.
> If there's no oppsition, I'll be the contact person for a while.
> [1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Brasil
> [2] https://brasil.osgeo.org

Helton UCHOA :: uchoa@{opengeo.com.br;geolivre.org.br;open3dgis.org}
Consultant in Free Software for Geomatics - 55 21 8272-4899
OpenGEO :: On-demand training and solutions :: www.opengeo.com.br
Geolivre Conference 2007 :: FOSS GIS solutions :: www.geolivre.org
GEO Livre community:: Because Geoinformation should be free :: www.geolivre.org.br
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