[OSGeo-Discuss] Was New Mexico- Educational resources

Gary Watry watry at steam.coaps.fsu.edu
Mon Feb 5 04:42:28 PST 2007

We have produced several intro course works (Udig, Quantum GIS, 
MapWindow) for open source GIS desktop software here at Florida State, 
You are welcome to use them if you want.

Also we have a course for open source software that includes other 
software beside GIS . I can send the syllabus if you want. It includes 
all the reading assignments, etc.

Tim Bowden wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-02-05 at 07:18 -0500, Gary Watry wrote:
>> We have produced several intro course works (Udig, Quantum GIS, 
>> MapWindow) for open source GIS desktop software here at Florida State, 
>> You are welcome to use them if you want.
> This is something that would be useful to the wider OSGeo community.
> One of the things that was asked of us at linux.conf.au open day was
> what resources were available to teaching staff.  If OSGeo had a
> repository of coursework or contacts that have developed coursework, it
> would make it easier to point people to the right place.  Is this
> something that could be added to such a repository? Is the education
> committee building such a thing?
> Regards,
> Tim Bowden
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Gary L. Watry
GIS Coordinator
Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies
Johnson Building, RM 231
2035 East Paul Dirac Drive
Tallahassee, Florida 32306-2840

Phone (850) 645-7457

E-Mail: watry at coaps.fsu.edu


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