[OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G LiveCD

Mark Leslie mrk.leslie at gmail.com
Tue Sep 9 20:16:25 EDT 2008

Alex Mandel wrote:
> Mark Leslie wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> We at LISAsoft are in the process of setting up a Live CD.  While the
>> ultimate goal is a 'comprehensive' version by FOSS4G2009, we're starting
>> with a fairly short java-centric stack of software in order to get the
>> details worked out and get something out the door soon.  Our goal is to
>> have a cut available next week, with something polished by the 22nd,
>> hopefully leaving enough time before Capetown for anyone interested to
>> get some copies burned.
>> So I suppose my first question is, is anybody interested in having a
>> copy of this CD?  Is there somewhere appropriate we could upload an image?
> How does this LiveCD differ from the Ominiverde one put out in August?
> +1 that you post it somewhere.
> Alex
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And no sooner have I replied than I've found the list of software on the
Ominiverdi product, so now I can comment.

Our livecd is starting with a focus on the java stack, mostly because
that's where more of our experience lies.  I certainly hope java is just
the starting point, but time will tell.

Mark Leslie
Geospatial Software Architect

Ph: +61 2 8570 5000 Fax: +61 2 8570 5099 Mob: +61 
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf 19-21 Pirrama Rd Pyrmont NSW 2009

LISAsoft is part of the A2end Group of Companies

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