[OSGeo-Discuss] Is it possible for properitery GIS vendor to market thier properitery product as Open ?

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Thu Mar 23 08:10:08 PDT 2017

Think my point is that android software is open source ... but the android
open platform is google.

Open platform - business arrangement between platform provider, customers
and vendors
Open software source - software license model
On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 5:11 AM James Klassen <klassen.js at gmail.com> wrote:

> Historically, labeling software "open" has meant built to open standards
> that anyone else could theoretically implement.  For example OpenLook,
> OpenSTEP, The Open Software Foundation (the group behind the Motif X11
> toolkit - and the lack of a free and open source implementation was a major
> stumbling block in porting lots of existing software to Linux prior to
> lessrif and then the general switch to GTK), X/Open.
> It wasn't until the late 90's that "open" started being used as shorthand
> for "open source" largely due to the influence of esr (Eric S. Raymond) as
> a pragmatic response to the commonly held (and in my opinion incorrect)
> view at the time that free software as promoted by RMS (Richard Stallman)
> wasn't suitable for use by businesses.
> I know this may be seen as many as semantic minutiae, but this email
> thread seems to be getting at the now decades old argument about the
> differences between "open source" and free (as in libre) software.  This
> differentiation is well covered online, so I will not repeat it here.
> So in my view of the terms:
> Can a proprietary system be "open"?  Yes and based on historical usage
> even closed source systems can be labeled "open".
> Can a proprietary system be "open source"?  Again historically yes.  As an
> extreme example of this, I believe once upon a time Microsoft open-sourced
> many parts of Windows but with an extremely restrictive license and
> limitations that certainly did and do not meet the norms of the open source
> community.  IIRC The early versions of Qt also were also a less extreme
> example of this.
> Can proprietary software be free/libre?  No, by definition.
> On Mar 23, 2017 04:21, "María Arias de Reyna" <delawen+osgeo at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 9:30 AM, Luí­s Moreira de Sousa <
> luis.de.sousa at protonmail.ch> wrote:
> I believe we need a regulatory framework for "open source" labelling;
> something like the EU regulation 1169/2011 [2] for organic farming. It not
> only sets the criteria for farmers to label their products, as it actively
> prevents others from falsely claiming to that criteria.
> +1 Restarting the movement for the european chapter to be able to lobby
> for this...
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Jody Garnett
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