[Europe] Activities towards a "European Geospatial Software Institute" ?

"Peter Löwe" peter.loewe at gmx.de
Mon Jul 16 06:03:32 PDT 2018

Hello list,

here's a bit of an unusual question / request for guidance:

In the US, efforts are underway to launch a national Geospatial Software Institute. To set the scope for the upcoming instite, the National Science Foundation host a series of workshops.
During the first workshop earlier this year, Helena Mitasova and Vaclav Petras (OSGeo / GRASS GIS) provided input from the OSGeo perspective. Currently the second workshop is on and I'm attending (providing input from the OSGeo (again) and european perspective).
Within the EU, things like GO-FAIR, the Zenodo repository and the European Open Science Cloud are currently underway. On the national level, there are activities like the Weizenbaum institute in Germany ("Germany Internet Institute").

Question: Are there already activities on the european scale underway towards "federated geospatial institutes" are a distinct Euopean institute ?

Any feedback would be much appreciated.


<peter.loewe at gmx.de>

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